
Long Lasting Products

Maryanne Scammell

The other evening, I was going out with a few friends and wanted a different look for my eyes. I decided to use my "Create-a -Liner" which allowed me turn my favourite eye shadows into liquid, waterproof eyeliner. With the help of my handy dandy angle liner brush, I was able to use my charcoal shadow as a liner on the top for a softer look. I love how easy it is to apply and how long it lasts. My possibilities for eyeliner colours are now endless since I can turn any eye shadow I own into a liquid liner. (I have a lot of shadows, believe it or not?!)


I was wearing a red sweater so I wanted to have bright red lips for a dramatic pop with my soft eye makeup. I put my "Liquid Matte Lipgloss" on at 6pm. I ate and drank and returned home at 1 am, looked in the mirror and my lips were still on! When I use "long lasting" to describe my new lip gloss, I mean it! I couldn't believe how long it stayed on. I was very pleased! I have ordered two new colours to add to my collection. I will be sharing those soon. 

If you are tired of your makeup wearing off before the end of a long work day. I highly suggest trying these products! They will not disappoint.